Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Healing Trauma Through Shamanic Medicine

Shamanic medicine is an ancient form of healing that has been practiced for thousands of years by indigenous cultures around the world. It involves the use of traditional plant medicine, rituals, and techniques to connect with the spiritual realm and facilitate healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. In recent years, shamanic medicine has gained popularity as a way to heal from trauma and other emotional wounds, and many people are turning to shamans for guidance and support on their healing journey.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

How to Prepare for a Shamanic Healing Session

By taking the time to properly prepare yourself, you can set the stage for a meaningful and transformative shamanic healing experience. Trust in the process and be open to whatever insights and guidance may come your way. Remember that the shamanic journey is a journey of personal growth and healing, and it is important to approach it with an open heart and an open mind.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

What to Look for in a Shamanic Healer

When it comes to seeking out a shamanic healer, there are a few key things to look for that can help ensure you find a reputable and skilled practitioner. While everyone's needs and preferences will be different, there are some common qualities that tend to indicate a high level of competence and care. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you embark on your search.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Shamanic Healing vs. Reiki: What's the Difference?

Are you tired of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and disconnected from the world around you? Have you tried every trendy self-care practice out there and still feel like something is missing? It might be time to consider shamanic healing or Reiki as a way to get to the root of your issues and experience true transformation. But what's the difference between the two, and which one is the most effective?

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

What to Expect from a Shamanic Healing Session

If you're considering seeking out a shamanic healing session, you might be wondering what to expect. While every session will be unique and tailored to the individual's needs and circumstances, there are some common elements that are typically present in a shamanic healing session. Here's a general overview of what you might experience.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

What is Shamanic Journeying: The Beginner's Guide

Are you curious about shamanic journeying but not sure where to start? Are you feeling called to connect with the spiritual world but don't know how to access it? Look no further, because this beginner's guide to shamanic journeying has got you covered.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

7 Shamanic Self Healing Practices to Enhance Your Wellness

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine and ready to shake things up in the name of self-improvement? Look no further than shamanic self-healing practices! These ancient techniques have been used for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are 7 shamanic self-healing practices to enhance your wellness:

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

What Is Soul Retrieval?

There are many tools that Shamans use to assist their clients in the healing process, and soul retrieval still remains one of the most powerful. In order to understand more about the soul retrieval process, and just why it is so important for healing, first we must take a look at ourselves. If I were to ask you the simple question “Who are you?” you might initially respond by describing a role that you play in your life. For instance “I am a mother of two beautiful boys” or perhaps you describe yourself more poetically instead “I am a spiritual seeker, on a path of self-discovery”. If I continued to ask you that same question, over and over again, we would find more and more answers to that one simple question. Each time bringing forward more aspects of the self that all reside within you. You see, the truth is we are never just one thing. We are immensely multi-faceted, multidimensional beings.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Breaking Generational Trauma with Shamanic Healing

Trauma is a heavy and often oppressive energy that can weigh us down and prevent us from living our full potential. It can manifest in a variety of ways, including physical symptoms, mental health issues, and patterns of behavior, and it can be especially difficult to heal when it is inherited from our ancestors. This inherited trauma, also known as intergenerational or generational trauma, refers to the transmission of psychological and emotional wounds from one generation to the next.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

What Is Shamanic Healing?

To understand Shamanic healing, you must first understand the shamanic perception of our reality. Shamans perceive each of us as being deeply interconnected with all of creation. I know that on the surface it may seem that we are separate from each other. When you initially look down at your body, you can very clearly see the outline of your skin, and the space your body occupies in this reality. We perceive our bodies as separate from the trees that surround us, the birds we pass on the powerline, the rivers and streams, the sun and the stars. However, for the shaman, these separations are merely an illusion. The shaman understands that we are deeply connected to all beings through the web of life, and that while on the surface things may look separate, this is only true on the physical plane.

In fact there is an entire reality that exists beyond what most of us can see with our eyes. While we may look at ourselves in the mirror, and just see a physical body looking back at us, the truth is we are more than just a brain and a body. We all have a luminous body, an energy field that surrounds and informs our physical bodies. Some may call it the aura or electromagnetic field. The amazing thing is that this field is not debatable, it has been proven countless times in scientific studies.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Can Shamanic Healing Help Anxiety?

First of all, it's important to understand that anxiety is not just a feeling or a symptom. It is a complex condition that can have many different causes, including genetic predisposition, past trauma, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and imbalances in the body's systems. Conventional treatments for anxiety, such as medication and therapy, often focus on managing symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of the problem. This can be helpful in the short term, but it doesn't always lead to lasting change.

Shamanic healing takes a different approach. Instead of just treating symptoms, it aims to get to the root of the issue and restore balance to the entire system. This is done through a variety of techniques, including energy work, soul retrieval, and spirit animal work.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Starting over in Austin, TX

It seems that in the same way a sea turtle hatchling finds its way through the open ocean, a honeybee navigates through a field of flowers, or a migrating bird travels thousands of miles to the same locations each year, we too are guided by the compass of our hearts.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Shamanism Around the World

Shamanism is a spiritual practice that has been present in various cultures around the world for thousands of years. It involves the use of rituals and practices to connect with the spiritual world and harness the power of the spirits for the benefit of the community. While the specific practices and beliefs associated with shamanism vary significantly from one culture to another, there are some core tenants that remain consistent across all traditions.

One of the most fundamental aspects of shamanism is the belief in the existence of a spiritual world that exists alongside the physical world. In many shamanic traditions, this spiritual world is believed to be inhabited by a wide range of spirits, including ancestors, nature spirits, and deities. These spirits are thought to have the power to influence the physical world and the lives of humans, and it is the role of the shaman to communicate with these spirits and work with them to bring about positive change.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

How Do Shamans Heal?

Shamanic healing is a traditional spiritual practice found in cultures around the world, in which a healer, known as a shaman, enters into a altered state of consciousness in order to communicate with the spirit world and facilitate healing for their clients. The practice has been controversial and misunderstood by many in the Western world, but it has also gained a resurgence of interest in recent years as people seek out alternative approaches to healing and personal growth.

From a Jungian perspective, shamanic healing is important because it allows individuals to access and work with the unconscious aspects of their psyche in order to bring about psychological and spiritual growth. In Jungian psychology, the unconscious is seen as a vast storehouse of the individual's past experiences, as well as the collective unconscious, which is a shared repository of the experiences of humanity as a whole.

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Rami Abu-Sitta Rami Abu-Sitta

Spiritual Awakening Is Just The Beginning

I've spent nearly half my life trying to understand the circumstances which produce transformational experiences in some, while leaving others bound by the limiting stories of their minds. I’ve witnessed people have direct experience of the divine, only to shortly thereafter revert back into their old default view of reality. Almost as if nothing ever happened. I've also met others who’ve only needed gentle guidance in order to produce a profound shift in their lives.

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